are general tips that can help players better understand firearms, and improve
their skills. This page is dedicated to the High End
sniping and trying to keep from being spotted hide after every kill. Usually
after a player has been killed from an unknown source the dead player
will scroll around until he finds his killer. The dead player after locating
the source of his killer will go right after him as soon as he responds.
As long as no enemy players find the snipers position the sniper can stay
nested and kill, kill, kill with no threat.
is a death sentence to walk in straight lines. Even if there is no threats
to be seen don't walk in a straight line. Players that walk in straight
lines are easy pray for attackers. By running at slants or swerving left
to right it makes it harder for attackers to get a kill. Unfortunately,
it makes it harder to attack back. The truth of the matter is the only
time it is safe to stand still is when undetected and hiding in the shadows.
The problem with this is it is impossible to know if you have been spotted.
Once spotted you become a sitting duck, because non-moving targets are
easier to hit than moving targets.
Tricks & Tips:
Map: sd_woods
After hours of playing around I found a stealth way to enter
the enemy's base and that is jumping into the waterfall from the second platform.
(#2 in pic) There is a way to cut the corner and land on the plat form above
the waterfall. (#3 in pic) However, this is very difficult. I have only made
the platform jump once. It is much easier to aim for the slant on the waterfall.
(#4 in pic) !!Note!! it is impossible to move up the water fall with a broken
leg. The only bad thing about the jump is the damage incurred. It is normal
to break a leg lose 40 points of health. The way around this is to use the
medic skill 2. The leg can be fix and health can almost be totally restored.
Another solution is to use the Battle Agility skill. Legs can not be broken
by a fall with that skill. The Major problem is with a broken leg it is impossible
to move up the waterfall. The reason this trick works so well is no body has
ever seen it and it catches everybody by surprise.
The waterfall is an entry point to the enemy's base. This trick
can be used against the Blue or Red team.
one: Go up to the rope to the second platform.
two: Run toward the edge and jump at the very last moment.
Three: While flying in mid air pivot inward toward the waterfall with
out touching the wall.
Four: Upon decent push forward and try to land on as much as the waterfall
Five: Just before landing crouch down.
Six: Go all the way to the right side of the waterfall and walk up
the waterfall to the enemy's base. Have fun you earned it!
Racking up
the kills: If the enemy team likes to jump down the waterfall the first
platform by the waterfall is a great stealthy place to rack up the kills.
The trick is to stay hidden as much as possible. Even after a kill hide because
the dead will be scanning around looking for his or her killer. This spot
is really hard to make out while in the prone stance.
Killing the enemy players that like to jump down the waterfall.
one: Go to the first platform over looking the pawn the waterfall slips
Step two:
Go into the prone position and look down into the pawn and wait for players
to jump down.
