Friday January 12,
2001 -
some news? Send it here!
Preview -
Posted by Ckaoz
you haven't heard there is a remake coming soon of Wolfenstein 3D and ITT
has dished out a great preview to bring you up to date on this future remake
of an old classic. Here is a bit:
Return to
Castle Wolfenstein (RTCW) is being developed by Gray Matter Studios and
published by Activision. They are using the Quake 3 engine developed by
ID. ID still holds the rights to the Wolfenstein name and is overseeing
production as well. This is great news for me because -- to be blunt --
while ID creates topnotch engines they have never created a compelling
single player story.
Lovin' -
Posted by Ckaoz
End Gamer's own ho-cake Bugsy has popped up another edition to add to our
Firearm's guide with some interesting tips and screenshots to boot. Check
the mofo here!
Raider Editor Soon -
Posted by Ckaoz
I noticed over
at Avault that Eidos is planning to release the editor for the Tomb Raider
game tomorrow which will include all TR games as wel as there textures and
Lara animations, head here
to get it!
January 11th, 2001
Preview -
Posted by Bugsy
For those sad
few that have not heard of the upcoming game Mafia here is a glimpse. Mafia
is a first person shooter. The game is based in the 20-30s era. The player
plays a Mobster with no holds bars. The graphics are great because of all
the details that are put into the game. For example, all the building have
been created be hand and there is over 12 miles of city and boonies to drive
in, or walk. The game has some mutiplayer features but they are not yet
well defined. The main focus is on single player. This game is expected
to be a benchmark for future games. Some people feel this game is ahead
of its time. I find it strange for people to say that because the game has
not even been released yet. However, after reading the plot and viewing
the screen shots I can ascertain how people built lots of hype around this
new game. I have high hopes for this game. Mafia is not out yet and release
date is not set. The game looks great check it out here.
Preview -
Posted by Ckaoz
I am almost
thinking I might have to jump on this bandwagon and dish out a preview of
this game! But where is the stinkin time? Anyway Action
Vault has been nice enough to put out a very detailed preview of this
soon to be released space sim, here is a bit:
As one might
imagine from the title, Jumpgate involves instantaneous travel between
various sectors of space. This ability significantly accelerates the rate
at which general business is conducted, and opens up new avenues of communication.
It also means that players can engage in myriad activities. Combat, trading,
squad formations plus missions such as mining, scouting, transport and
patrols are among the opportunities available as ways to increase personal
assets. Currently, Jumpgate is in a closed beta phase as NetDevil prepares
it for eventual release. Being fortunate enough to participate in this
stage, we were able to take an early look at multiple facets of the game.
and Intel Bedbuddies -
Posted by Ckaoz
Looks like
ATI and Intel are "monopolizing" (pun intented) on the opportunity
for integrating their chipsets, maybe even providing CPU and Video together.Here
is a blurb from the info at MSNBC:
Under the
arrangement, ATI, the world's No. 1 supplier of graphics chips, and Intel
Corp., the world's largest maker of microprocessors, are each granted
rights to certain patents owned by the other company. Markham, Ontario-based
ATI has also negotiated the right to build integrated chip sets for Intel
microprocessor platforms. Financial terms of the deal were not announced.
That exchange of patents -- which also settles pending litigation between
the two companies -- will allow ATI to develop core logic chip sets incorporating
its 3D graphics technology.
and Nvidia pair up -
Posted by Ckaoz
today Nvidia pair up with Quantum 3D to provide the VSA-100 chips for their
AAlchemy line of products, as well as producing some low end GeForce goodness.
Here is a snipet from the deal:
Inc.™ today announced it has a relationship with NVIDIA® Corporation (NASDAQ:
NVDA) in which NVIDIA will supply graphics chips to Quantum3D for the
company's 3dfx®-based graphics subsystems - currently employed in Visual
Simulation and Training (VST), Embedded Graphics Subsystems (EGS) and
Out-of-Home Entertainment (OHE) Visual Computing Systems. Under the relationship,
NVIDIA has committed to work closely with Quantum3D to supply Quantum3D
with 3dfx graphics chips (when acquired from 3dfx) that are incorporated
in the company's existing VST and OHE focused product lines. In addition,
the companies have separately agreed to work together on next generation
products that will incorporate NVIDIA graphics technologies into Quantum3D
value-added solutions for VST and EGS applications.
Puts Out
has dished out an awesome preview
of Microsoft's new X-Box, which Billy plans to topple the Playstation king!
While you are there you can head on over there to check out the latest CPU
prices they have pimped out! Here is a blurb from the preview:
While the
Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas was not the first Xbox announcement,
in many ways it was the most significant. Bill Gates formally announced
Microsoft's entry into the console market last March in his keynote address
at the Game Developer's Conference, and there was a flashy Xbox booth
at E3 2000, but it wasn't until this week at CES that the public got a
chance to see the final look of the system and of course its all-important
and Sacrifice Part 2?
noticed over at Avault
that we might get second doses of the great games SiN and Sacrifice. Head
over to Avault to get some inside scoop and put you in the know!
Wednesday January
9th, 2001 -
some news? Send it here!
Splits -
Posted by Ckaoz
comes as quite a surprise to the gaming community, but it looks like the
guys responsible fro numerous games such as SiN and FAKK 2, have split up
into two different companies. Also along with the official word XGR has
posted up a little interview with the man Levelord. Check it out here!
Q&A -
Posted by Ckaoz
has dished up an interview
with the boys of Netdevil about their upcoming space sim Jumpgate. There
is also a nice preview of the game here.And
trust me, this games is gonna be a buttload of fun!! Here is a niblet:
4. As of
right now, players can control fighters and transports. Are there any
plans to introduce other classes of craft, such as capital ships or carriers,
and if so, can you go into more detail?
We will definitely
introduce more ships into the game. As a matter of fact we just added
a new building to the game – the Naval yard. It is here where new ships
will be build. How quickly (or slowly) these ships will appear depends
on the players. They need to provide the Naval Yard with materials. As
for carriers and capital ships, this was always a consideration. It might
be a while until they appear but we are planning on introducing them.
This will not be an easy task in terms of programming, since we really
want those ships to be special. Just having a real big ship flying around
is one thing. Having a ship that is commandeered by several players simultaneously
– like having a captain, navigator, gunners, etc. - is a little more difficult
to accomplish.
Pipe Tweakin' -
Posted by Ckaoz
those of you with a nice little DSL connection such as myself, the guys
over at tuplay have come out with a new edition of their DSL tweak guide
which offers information not only in relation to software setup, but to
make sure your inside wiring is done correctly as well!
you say NOLF? -
Posted by Ckaoz
am happy to announce that I have posted up High End Gamer's latest review
which happens to be for one of the biggest hits of the year No One Lives
Forever! Check it out here!!! Screenshots
soon to follow!
Tuesday January 8th,
CPU Price This Week -
Posted by Bugsy
The Pentium
4 1.4Ghz seems to be the best-priced high end CPU this week. The reason
is the 1.4Ghz is cheaper than the 1.5Ghz and the 1.4Ghz can be overclocked
to a 1.6Ghz. The 1.5 is much more expensive ($1039.00). If you need to make
a CPU purchase this week and want to save a few hundred dollars then I recommend
the 1.4Ghz P4. ($727.00) To get more information on pricing and how to overclock
go here.
Launched -
Posted by Ckaoz
Word from CFGN
reached me that has been
launched. The site looks to be dedicated towards the romping hack/slash
limb flying game Rune which uses the Unreal Tournement Engine.
The site
will be maintained by a dedicated OzRune team with a large focus on map
editing, the mulitplayer aspects of the game and the upcoming OzRune League
and competitions. To check out this site go to Sections
of the site are still are constructions as we are in the process of adding
some league and editorial scripts. However we feel fully justified at
launching this site as is with the current loads of content that we have
already build up under there.
Review Goodies -
Posted by Ckaoz
goes out to Chris Meder for letting me know CFGN
has released two great reviews. One looks back with a bit of nostalgia at
the id badboy Wolfenstein 3D. The other review looks at some of the hottest
mods out on the market from the somewhat popular Counter-Strike (cough),
to the mod Firearms which seems to be catching on fast :).
III Server Patch -
Posted by Ckaoz
ho cakes over at id have whipped up a server side patch
today. It may even increse FPS by 20. HOW DO THEY DO IT!! Here's what is
- Fixes and Additions
Fixed James model bug
CD Key read correctly when starting from Q3A vs TA shortcuts
Handicap exploit fixed
Bot routing bug fixed
Potential 20 FPS increase for some clients :-)
Sensitivity is back how it was
Delays -
Posted by Ckaoz
a game series that has captured my imagination since I first tried its
demo in teh early 90's, comes the latest crop from the X-Com series, X-Com
Alliance. It looks to be a very intriguing game as it is a FPS instead
of the strategy game of old. The only problem with it is the consant delays.
Word is out it has been
delayed again as a key member of the team has quit. The project is now
set for Quarter 3 of 2001.
in February -
Posted by Ckaoz
to Lion Games their official announcement
is that Black & White is "still" scheduled to release in
late Feb. Hmm something tells me that isn't so reassuring.
Trip Goodness -
Posted by Ckaoz
boys over at AT
have scooped up an awesome interview with Daniel Vavra of Talonsoft, who
happens to be lead designer of Mafia (which I am looking forward to).
Here is the poop:
Trip: This is going to be a third person shoot-em-up driving simulation.
Will the game mix in any other kind of genre? Do you personally enjoy,
playing adventure games? And are you going to insert some sort of 'classic
adventure' puzzle-solving?
Yes, I
like some of classic old school adventures like Revolution's LURE OF
THE TEMPTRESS. But what I hate, is when the puzzles are too tough and
if designers are lengthening playability by making them like this. I
think, that's the reason, why normal people don't like adventures, it's
not very entertaining to run over the same location for two days finding
some hidden key, or making something absolutely illogical. So, we will
not have puzzles like that, but we will have some adventure elements,
like using of objects and lot of dialogues. But all the actions are
strictly logical and simple. Everything is based around real life.
Monday January 7th,
Lovin' -
Posted by Ckaoz
the weeken is over, I have scanned with what little time I have had and
scoured for some really beefy news ( as there seems to be a steady rise
in the amount of it lately ) but not much peeked it enough to post here
for the time being. I am still working on another review which I'll admit
has been postponed a bit because of my recent acceptance into the Jumpgate
beta. If I am able to I should be able to add some juicy tidbits of the
beta here. Anyways. Keep posted here for more goodies!