Firearms Review

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Publisher: Sierra
Developer: FAModTeam
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"War - a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations. "
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As gamers get more prepared for virtual warring worlds where anything goes we look for substitutes until our ultimate desires are met. This is where Firearms comes in. The team working on this ongoing project has put in a lot of effort and hard work to give us gamers a product to enjoy that mimics war. As soon as you enter a game you realize this isn't your average mod, its much, much better. The action is intense, the guns realistic, and the death is oh so painful!


You start off in the game already hearing the sounds of a fight ensuing. You have a choice, between the red, or blue team. Your second choice comes in what you want to have when you get into the thick of battle. Firearms provides you with numerous choices from heavy armor (which isn't as expensive as light armor, but can weigh you down). Not long after you have chosen your armor you get into the meat of the options of equipment. This includes grenades, claymore mines, handguns, rifles, machine guns, sub-machine guns, and a grenade launcher! Now as much as you may want, you can't carry them all, because you don't have enough money to buy them all. So you must pick and choose carefully. And if you are a newcomer to the Firearms series they have preset configurations to choose a balanced "class" of a character. One thing that provides a sense of uniqueness about this mod is after you choose your weapons, you have a choice to choose a skill. Things such as improved battle commands, and artillery are at your disposal to choose.


The graphics are about as good as the Half-Life engine can get. And although that isn't saying much, its saying a lot at the same time. The explosions and character models in Half-Life were always nice. The lighting limited by the aged quake 2 engine, still provided a sense of atmosphere. They're quite a few death animations for the characters. The only thing I miss (being that I am an old school Counterstrike player) is animation for when the enemy gets hit, maybe I am missing it through the action, but animation for the player being hit would be nice. I wouldn't have minded a choice for different models when you are on your team as a way to provide a little sense of individuality. But then again, the only thing that differentiated soldiers in a real war was their face, and their rank. Otherwise they pretty much all look the same. I believe the FA team chose a good route when they decided to leave everything uniform.


The sound throughout the game is what makes this game so engrossing. Most maps you not only hear the fire of your comrades in arms in the distance or next to you, but you will also hear gunfire from abroad as if this battle was more than just what is happening near you. Not only is the gunfire realistic and immersing, but so is the sounds of your allies. Sometimes you can hear the limping soldier that you are jogging past yelling for a medic. Or the loud battle cry of a brave comrade running into the fray. You can yell for cover, or to get down. And if you choose the skill for extra commands, even more are at your disposable. If I ever imagine what war would sound like, it was this.


If you have a multiplayer only game such as FA, you have to have a lot of maps, and boy does it! The maps are very different from each other. Some maps require parachuting into the jungles from a helicopter above, both sides intent on capturing the flags that spot the map at strategic locations. Other times it pits he two teams equal distance from each other on similar looking urban terrain. Not to be confused with capture the flag, this game follows the ideas of capturing and holding strategic points on the map. You then have a certain number of "reinforcements". When all your reinforcements have been depleted the last team standing is the winner.


Fortunately there aren't many bugs in terms of the code written for the game. But I believe on a few maps there can be some adjustments to make it a little more fun to play. Some guns like the shotgun will knock you back. In particular there is a level where you must grab a parachute and jump out of a helicopter. Some mindless individuals seem to believe its fun to sit in the helicopter and shoot people out without a parachute, plummeting them to their death. It was funny the first time, but when they continue, it gets frustrating, but there are tactics one can learn to avoid these guys. Other than a few minute suggestions there really isn't much I can complain about in regards to this mod, and look forward to their next releases to see what new goodies they have in store for us.


This mod shows off the amazing potential of the Half-Life engine, and displays to gamers how much fun user created mods can be. I am looking forward to their next releases, as I know they have more in store for us and suggest anyone interested in online FPS to take a look at it. This game provides amazing gameplay, intense action, and although a somewhat dated engine it still looks pretty good. The sound is awesome and intensifies the engrossing quality of this mod! I applaud the FA team for a great job and their great fans for supporting this superb mod and a great job.

-Review by Ckaoz