Saturday December
23rd, 2000
with a twist - Posted
by Ckaoz
you have been locked up lately and haven't heard about this upcoming game,
it is called Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel. It looks to be similar
to the hit strategy game X-Com based in a post apocalyptic setting. The
story is based off the world from the Fallout series of RPG's. ANYWAY they
have a demo
released as of today, so i advise you to check this one out!
in Games -
Posted by Ckaoz
interesting albeit long article
on violence in video games has been posted at Avault and is an interesting
read. The twist on this story is that there is a professor out there who
believes that this violence in our most enjoyable games DOESN'T make people
more aggresive!
Goodness -
Posted by Ckaoz
of the many games due next year that I am highly anticipating is Freelancer.
Made by the "man" Chris Roberts (creator of all Wing Commander
games) at Digital Anvil hooked up with pc.ign and released some new
pics of this upcoming game.
Friday December 22nd,
NAPSTER - Posted by
isnt really game related but I thought I post out a message to all of you
out there that a new Napster version
is out and can be downloaded!
- Posted by Ckaoz
like as soon as the site came up it went down. The website
for the company forming in Ireland of previous 3dfx employees has been swiftly
shutdown, but the reasoning behind it is still a little cloudy!
Upgrade -
Posted by Ckaoz
haven't checked this mod out yet, but I am about definitely going to . There
is a new version that just came out yesterday for a Quake 3 mod called Urban
Terror. Don't know what it's about? Here's the poop:
The basic
idea is that "Urban Terror" is a top-secret project, initiated at the
highest levels of the international community, designed to provide a
way for governments that are worried about their image to secretly engage
in serious military activity in urban settings. Squads are set up like
cells of resistance movements, designed to operate independently with
little overall direction, but with plenty of firepower and money to
get jobs done.
take on the role of a member of one of these teams. The teams are basically
directly related to clans in real life, so the idea of the terror team
is basically meant to sync with clans. The project Terror teams don't
know where or who orders come from, and because members of these groups
are selected for their fanaticism, they are called upon to do all kinds
of tasks - one mission they're protecting executives in a boardroom,
the next they're assassinating executives that are believed to be at
the head of a terrorist ring.
This means
that in multi player games, neither team are goodies or baddies: they're
both just following orders.
Update Cont. -
Posted by Ckaoz
will be news to be coninued on the site as the holidays close in and I find
less time to work on it. But behind the scenes I am working on a couple
reviews for you all to be pushed out. Bugsy has some more tips in store
for you and we might even get some hardware posted up. As always the continuing
project to finish the site info is always at hand but again is a last resort,
I am also looking into a couple other things for the design of the website
to implement so I have my hands quite full :P. Stay in tune here for the
news, and watchout because you may be getting a nice christmas present of
web goodness from us!
Thursday December
21st, 2000
Furture Pricing - Posted
by Ckaoz
Register has posted up an interesting article about Intel's pricing future
from January to June. If you are to busy to visit the link take a look at
a nibble of the story:
- The 1.5GHz
P4 costs $644 on 28 January, $637 on 4 March, $594 on 15 April, and
$455 in June.
- The 1.4GHz
Pentium 4 costs $440 on 28 January, $420 on 4 March, $375 on 15 April,
$316 in June.
- The 1.3GHz
Pentium 4 costs $410 on 28 January, $374 on 4 March, $318 on 15 April,
and $265 in June.
- The 1.7GH
Pentium 4 will cost $777 at its launch, probably in May, and will drop
to $666 in June.
Tactics Part 2 - Posted
by Ckaoz
just got finished with the second part of his firearms
tactics guide which includes a nice rundown of all the skill sets included
in the mod. Check it out!
Patched -
Posted by Ckaoz
ho-cakes over at Akella have whipped up another patch for thier booty lootin
swashbuckler, Seadogs. Head on over to their main
site to download this puppy that brings you up to 1.04!
Wednesday December
20th, 2000
bought out by Gamespy - Posted
by Ckaoz
correct folks! Gamespy, the little company started by a couple guys to help
out quake players to find game servers, has just acquired
MPlayer the second largest online gaming service! Here's a nibble:
held GameSpy Industries, Inc., a leading software developer and a pioneer
in interactive online entertainment with a network of Web sites specifically
catering to the international gaming community, and HearMe (Nasdaq:
HEAR) a leading provider of next generation VoIP application technologies,
today announced a definitive agreement whereby GameSpy will acquire
the assets of HearMe's Mplayer/Live Communities (Mplayer) business unit,
including the Internet games and entertainment service.
- Posted by Ckaoz
noticed an interesting blurb over at Voodoo
about some former employees from 3dx in Ireland trying to start up a
company, but not much info has been given in regards to it, or is it
listed on their website. Stay tuned
for more info!
Tuesday December
19th, 2000
Changes - Posted by
made a few more internal changes to my web layout and figured I better start
making things a little easier for me in the road ahead, and ended up making
a LOT of work for me in the next week. I will definitely keep you posted
on some of the latest news as I make these changes. Bugsy
is finishing up a second installment for the Firearms guide so stay tuned
to check it out.
latest - Posted by
is an interesting article
posted up on C|Net's Gamecenter about 3dfx's history and a little info on
why they sold everything to nVidia. Head on over there and check it out,
it's a good read.
Preview - Posted by
it isn't a game about the movie! It's a kick ass 3rd person 3D hack 'n slash
by Rebel Act Studios. If you are looking for some amazing graphics, and
flying limbs I would advise you to download this demo, if you don't have
a fat pipe to download this game, then check out this preview
by Gamesdomain to check out what you are missing!
they might possess a disturbingly Troll-like ability to withstand the
rigours of time, when was the last truly popular fantasy hacker? Hexen?
Golden Axe? Rogue? Only one game comes to mind: Diablo. Otherwise it
must have been knocking on the doors of a decade since gibbing monsters
with a dirty great sword was an honest to God popular experience. Recent
attempts from games like Die by the Sword and Rune have been adequate
but hardly anything special. What this genre needs is something to come
along and show the world how good games can look these days. How terrifying
it can be to explore dungeons full monsters waiting to rip your guts
out when you've got next to no health, and just how fun battering enemies
to death with their own limbs can be. What this genre needs is Severance:
Blade of Darkness.
Monday December 18th,
Cheats - Posted by
really sad to learn that this is possible to achieve, and how easy to achieve
it was for Apus Hardware to find it, but they posted up an interesting article
about how easy and what kind of cheats are out there for Counter-Strike.
It only goes to show you what people will do to ruin a fun game. The only
problem as that this is happening in a lot of different games out there
today. Check out the article here.
Pics - Posted
by Ckaoz
posted some interesting shots of Sacrifice to go along with the review in
the games department hed here
to check those out. I will be getting out a couple more reviews to spice
up this website coming out this week. If you have any suggestions on reviews,
or news you would like to send me go ahead and email with your thoughts.
I will also try finishing those links that I seem to be delinquent on. And
maybe, if I am not too lazy I will finally get the "about us"
page done :) !!