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Saturday December 30th, 2000

Gamespot's GOTY - Posted by Ckaoz

Since we are a fairly new site and not even a month old we haven't had time to post our own Game of the Year Awards. But in return I would like to point you to a link over to Gamespot as they have postedup their GOTY's and is a really good read!!

Commandos 2 - Posted by Ckaoz

The guys over at Gamers.com have dished out a nice preview of Eidos and Pyro Studio's new upcoming strategy game commandos which looks to be quite promising! Here is a rip:

Last week, Eidos were kind enough to give us Gamers.com folk a sneak peak of Commandos 2, sequel to the original tactical action/strategy title by Spanish developers Pyro Studios. The title allows you to command a group of elite soldiers, each with varying strengths and abilities (not unlike the class system in fortress based mods for first person shooters), as you carry out multiple World War II missions around the world.

Motion Blur Goodness - Posted by Ckaoz

If you are into the motion blur thing (I just don't quite like it) you can head on over and take a look at motion blur on a GTS at the-ctrl-alt-del.com, as they have pimped out a video for show!

Perry Lovin' - Posted by Ckaoz

From the looks of the picture posted for an interview at the Armchair Empire, Shiny's Dave Perry looks like he was posing for a Soap Opera. Anyways, there is a great interview with "the man" where they talk a lot about the future of graphics and gaming! Here is the poop:

AE: Control is an important part of any game. Most PC game players use the current keyboard/mouse combination, but is it being used to its full potential? Are there other aspects that have not been explored? (e.g. a pressure sensitive mouse) And what other peripherals can we expect in the future to be a viable alternative?

DP: Yep to keep improving, we need better voice communication with our games, eye tracking, pressure sensitivity, adrenaline measurement, pulse measurement, temperature feedback, smell creation devices. It's ALL coming. :) Anything to immerse you and sense you is welcome.

NOLF TWEAK - Posted by Ckaoz

There is a new tweak guide for the hot game No One Lives Forever over at Tweak 3D, offering tips on getting the best visual quality for the best performance!

Friday December 29th, 2000

Blizzard Interview - Posted by Ckaoz

Gamespy has provided an interview with Blizzard's Nick Carpenter regarding the art and design concepts behind some of their latest games. Here is a nibble:

GameSpy: To date, what has been the largest game you've had the chance to contribute to?

Nick Carpenter: WarCraft 3. It is big...

Seadogs Sequel Preview - Posted by Ckaoz

DailyTelefrag has dished out some interesting stuff on the sequel to Akella's popular swashbuckling game Sea Dogs. If you are into the occasional pillage plunder and booty action keep an eye on this game.

New Site Additions - Posted by Ckaoz

I have to admit that around this time of year and for the next month or so there won't be much news since most companies are really resting after the holiday season but I will post most of the important crap up here when I find it. I will be steadily adding and finishing that damn site info area (I know I said that before :P).

Thursday December 28th, 2000

NEW REVIEW - Posted by Ckaoz

I just dished out HEG's latest review for you all. It is for the game Diablo 2. One of the top selling and most anticipated sequels of there year!

Bigger IS Better - Posted by Ckaoz

3DAP posted up an interesting editorial on the pro's and con's of game length and really take an in depth look from a personal stance to see if longer means more satisfying!

Petition THE MAN - Posted by Ckaoz

An interesting blurb is out considering a very enjoyable game called Project IGI. One of this games major downfall's is the fact it has no savegame feature built into it (it has a case of consolitis). But there is a petition you can go to so that they may include this feature in a patch. I suggest you go there to make this game what it was meant to be :).

TOP 25 - Posted by Ckaoz

The lads at Gamespot UK pooped out an article on the top 15 most influential games and their runners up! It's a pretty good read for all those interested!

CPU Prices - Posted by Ckaoz

Those madmen over at Sharky Extreme have come out with their weekly CPU prices for those of you on the lookout to spend some of that Christmas cash on a new proccessor!

Wednesday December 27th, 2000

CS Community Mourns - Posted by Ckaoz

I heard word on the CS forums is that the person responsible for the maps cs_siege and cs_docks, Justin "N0TH1NG" DeJong, has passed away recently which was annouced a couple days ago. My sympathies go out to his friends and family as he will sorely be missed.

Anand delivers - Posted by Ckaoz

The boys at AnandTech have pooped out two articles for the hardware enthusists!! One is a great read on a buyers guide to high end systems. And the second is an interesting read on Intel's Roadmap for the next year! Check them both out!

Tuesday December 26th, 2000

Christmas Lazies - Posted by Ckaoz

My Apologies as I havent updated the site in a couple days. I have seriously been hit with a patch of laziness. Nevertheless, I am still working on putting up that review for you all, I am also in the works on two other reviews for some of the newer titles to hit the market. Both are gonna have some pretty pimpin info! But I wont be able to get those up for a couple more days so stay tuned.

NOLF Goodies - Posted by Ckaoz

Word from NOLF News is that an official map pack as well as an international patch for No One Lives Forever is out. Head over to check it out as it adds a couple new multiplayer maps for your enjoyment!

Sea Dogs Part Duex - Posted by Ckaoz

Akella, the makers of the ever popular swashbuckling booty smash Sea Dogs announced that they will make a sequel to it. Read our review about this awesome game here!


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